Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Why Green Energy? . . . first in a series

Last summer, world leaders chose to focus on reducing carbon emissions to more than 80% for the G8 countries and encouraged developing countries to work toward 25-40% emissions below 1990 levels by the year 2020 (BBC News 2008/07/08 12:35 GMT).

On 12 December, European Union leaders discussed a 20% carbon emissions reduction by 2020, rather than the 25-40% scientists deem necessary (BBC News 1008/12/12).
The goals themselves reduced between July and December.

But carbon emissions don't. And neither do greenhouse gases.

In 2007, global carbon dioxide emissions increased by 3.1% (www.mnp.nl). Between 1970 and 2007, global greenhouse gases rose 75% (www.mnp.nl). In the United States alone, power plant greenhouse gas emissions had their "biggest single year increase" in 2007 (www.ens-newswire.com/ens/mar2008/2008-03-18-04.asp).

Why not raise the bar for higher reduction goals? And set the deadline sooner? But there's something much better: total elimination of carbon dioxide emissions and greenhouse gases.
It can be done. See www.campaignforgreen.com.

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