Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Why Green Energy? . . . first in a series

Last summer, world leaders chose to focus on reducing carbon emissions to more than 80% for the G8 countries and encouraged developing countries to work toward 25-40% emissions below 1990 levels by the year 2020 (BBC News 2008/07/08 12:35 GMT).

On 12 December, European Union leaders discussed a 20% carbon emissions reduction by 2020, rather than the 25-40% scientists deem necessary (BBC News 1008/12/12).
The goals themselves reduced between July and December.

But carbon emissions don't. And neither do greenhouse gases.

In 2007, global carbon dioxide emissions increased by 3.1% (www.mnp.nl). Between 1970 and 2007, global greenhouse gases rose 75% (www.mnp.nl). In the United States alone, power plant greenhouse gas emissions had their "biggest single year increase" in 2007 (www.ens-newswire.com/ens/mar2008/2008-03-18-04.asp).

Why not raise the bar for higher reduction goals? And set the deadline sooner? But there's something much better: total elimination of carbon dioxide emissions and greenhouse gases.
It can be done. See www.campaignforgreen.com.

Monday, December 29, 2008

In the New Year . . . or Before

In the New Year . . . or before, visit www.campaignforgreen.com.

Monday, December 15, 2008

Green Energy and Economics

Things have changed economically. What we need is less expensive energy. Noticeably less expensive energy. Noticeably less expensive energy would free up money for all sorts of things on a national level: there would be more money for medical research and treatment, infrastructure maintenance, etc.--all those things we need as a society. For more info, see www.campaignforgreen.com.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Random Green

Random green thoughts for today . . .

If you don't take enough canvas bags to the grocery store, ask for paper for the rest of the groceries . . . at least you can use the paper bags to put newspapers in for recycling, or to
make bookcovers (I did that in highschool).

Another use for junk mail envelopes is grocery coupon storage.

Buying local is green, because of less fossil fuel used to get the product to the store, and of course the first thing I think of is fruit and vegetables at farmers' markets, but sometimes it is possible to buy local products at the grocery store . . . where I live I can buy relish and pickles and canned beans produced in the area.

Canning local produce from the farmers' market is green and so is canning stuff from your garden. But probably not a lot of people know how to can (I've just canned twice--grape jelly and pear preserves) and how much are you going to buy to can enough stuff to last a while? But we could learn how to can, and figure out how much buying enough to can would save us on veg and fruit bought at the store. Though how many of us keep a garden? Not everybody has space. Of course, there are community gardens in some cities, and much of the food is donated to food shelters and that is really good.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Paper Or . . . Less Paper

Paper or . . . less paper?

We're used to the "paper or plastic?" question at the grocery store--and should answer "Canvas: I brought bags"--but there is another alternative: less paper. One way to do this is to use paper you already have for multiple purposes--to-do lists, grocery lists, and the like. I don't mean using up your good printer paper or notebook paper, but other things, like the blank inside of envelopes from junk mail, or mail that doesn't require you to keep the envelope. It doesn't take long to cut apart an envelope for such uses. And all those catalogs, some of which you never asked for or don't want anymore . . . well, there's a way to stop those: just see www.catalogchoice.org. On this site you can have catalogs stopped, free of charge. You'll save money, paper . . . and clutter.
Another way to not use up so much paper so quickly is save those crumby paper towels or paper napkins from meals to clean up spots on the floor . . . as hard as we try to not be sloppy, spots will appear on the linoleum! I have read about people who use cloth napkins at meals, cloth napkins that are inexpensive and nice--I haven't tried that yet, but that would certainly save on paper too.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Are We Really Ready?

Are we really ready?
According to an article on the 5 November 2008 BBC Online News, most people are:

"Most ready for 'green sacrifices'
The poll suggests the public are more ready than politicians
Most people say they are ready to make personal sacrifices to address climate change, according to a BBC poll of 22,000 people in 21 countries.
Four out of five people say they are prepared to change their lifestyle, even in the US and China, the world's two biggest emitters of carbon dioxide.
Three quarters would back energy taxes if the cash was used to find new sources of energy, or boost efficiency.
Chinese respondents were more positive than any others about energy taxes.

BBC environment reporter Matt McGrath says the poll suggests that in many countries people are more willing than their governments to contemplate serious changes to their lifestyles to combat global warming.
According to the survey, 83% of respondents throughout the world agree that individuals will definitely or probably have to make lifestyle changes to reduce the amount of climate-changing gases they produce.
The poll also suggests that a large majority of people in each individual country surveyed believe that sacrifices will be necessary" (BBC Online News, 5 November 2008)

If we really are, let's begin. Cf. www.campaignforgreen.com.

Monday, December 8, 2008


All these deadline on energy improvements, deadlines yet set years, even decades away . . . there seems to be no sense of urgency . . . but why?
Perhaps it's because how things are, for people here, anyway, is what we're used to. Yes,
gas prices fluctuate, pollution aggravates our allergies, electric bills go up . . . but we are
still comfortable, perhaps, and there isn't the sense of urgency that we need to be able
to get things done, because even truly green energy will take time . . . but perhaps less
time than all those deadlines set.
See www.campaignforgreen.com. Read the info. Look at the pictures. And think about

Thursday, December 4, 2008

But Then Why . . . ???

But the why should we wait? People need clean water now, need reliable heating and cooling systems now, need minimal carbon emissions now, need to take care of the planet now.
Can't we all do something right now to change things? Something in addition to recycling, turning off lights when we leave the room, etc.? Can't we?
For more info, see http://www.campaignforgreen.com/.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Right Now We Can . . .

Right now we can . . .


carry canvas bags to the grocery store

collect rain water and use it to water plants

turn out the lights when we're not using them

use natural light when we can

be careful with water use . . . don't let the water run when we're doing the dishes, etc.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Green Energy Is Global

Green energy is global. Everybody everywhere needs green energy. Obviously!
And everyone, every one, can do something about it.
For more information, cf. www.campaignforgreen.com.

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Green Energy Is Efficient With . . . Money

Green energy is efficient with money. Imagine not having to use the clothes dryer for only twenty minutes then hang up damp clothes just 'cause running the clothes dryer for longer is expensive. Imagine not having to keep the thermostat low in the winter just to save on heating bills. Imagine not having to keep the thermostat higher in the summer just to save on cooling bills. Imagine no pain at the pump . . . or no pump at all. Imagine energy for transportation not dependent on what goes on in other countries. Imagine not being dependent on other countries for energy at all. Ever again. It can be done. Cf. www.campaignforgreen.com.

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Green Energy Is Efficient With . . . Our Health

Green energy is efficient with our health. Truly green energy does not pollute. Our air would be clean and we would not be plagued with fossil fuel-related allergies. Our water would be cleaner before it gets to the filtration plant. Clean air. Cleaner water. Better health. For everyone everywhere.
Tomorrow . . . how green energy is efficient with money.

Friday, November 28, 2008

Green Energy Is Efficient With . . . The Environment

Green energy is efficient with . . . the environment. With green energy, truly green energy that does not pollute, the environment is used efficiently and not only used efficiently but protected: there is no pollution to damage water, trees, plants, birds, animals, ocean life, and arctic life. The air is clean. The water is cleaner. Ecosystems and species have a better chance of survival.

Tomorrow, return to see why green energy is more efficient with . . . our health.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Green Energy Is Efficient With . . . Energy

Green energy is efficient with, well, energy. Truly green energy does not use fossil fuels, hydrogen, or anything else associated with carbon emissions, carbon caps, carbon credits,
or carbon footprints. With green energy there is not only no concerns about carbon but no carbon at all. Real green energy does not pollute. At all.
For more information, see http://www.campaignforgreen.com/.
Everybody have a happy Thanksgiving!

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Green Energy

Green energy. That phrase gets thrown around a lot.
But what is it?
Well, since it is a phrase that gets thrown around a lot, here's the first in a series of what green energy means to me:

Green energy is efficient.

To find out with what . . . look in tomorrow :).